viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

VMWARE Data Recovery Plugin: Error could not connect to the Data Recovery Service on the Appliance

Some times after installing Data Recovery Plugin you can't connect to the appliance. You get this message:  Error could not connect to the Data Recovery Service on the Appliance.
The curious thing is that you can't connect from vSphere client installed on VCenter or other desktops.
I found a solution on Vmware communities. You need to rename some dlls and it will work again.

Renaming  C:\Windows\System32\libeay32.dll and C:\Windows\System32\ ssleay32.dll and rebooting - all works fine.

I found that on this thread:

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

error mounting replica LUNS on VMWARE ESXi5


a days ago I had some problems trying to test replicas between two EMC arrays connected to different vSphere 5 clusters.
I openned a request with EMC and they told me replica was fine.
I tried to mount the datastore by using esxcli the next command:
esxcli storage vmfs snapshot mount -u "4xxxxxx-99xxx-b555-001xxxxxx8"
It faulted with error and redirected me to vmkernel.log.
I reviewed vmkernel.log and I saw an error “Denying reservation access on an ATS-only vol”, I search for this error (and many others).
Finally I got this KB article on Vmware. It is not really same case but I tried it on a nonproduction server and finally VMFS5 datastore could be mounted.

After disabling these features I finally could mount snapshots of replica, and the replica itself when testing promote.