Yesterday I installed for first time a new Exchange 2013 on a company with Exchange 2007. We have installed some new 2013 Exchange but this was the first migration.
After accomplish all prerequisites on Microsoft guides we started to install and it ended on error.
The error was "length of the property is too long the maximum length is 64" and it was close to a line referring to Offline Address Book.
In Spanish the OAB was named "Libreta de direcciones sin conexión de exchange".
I googled a little and couldn't find any reference to this error and finally just tried something.
I just renamed the OAB to "OAB" and tried again to install.
This time installation finished OK!!!
After accomplish all prerequisites on Microsoft guides we started to install and it ended on error.
The error was "length of the property is too long the maximum length is 64" and it was close to a line referring to Offline Address Book.
In Spanish the OAB was named "Libreta de direcciones sin conexión de exchange".
I googled a little and couldn't find any reference to this error and finally just tried something.
I just renamed the OAB to "OAB" and tried again to install.
This time installation finished OK!!!